I will lift up my eyes to the hills – Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord,
The Maker of heaven and earth.
The Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2

In the dream, I kept seeing moles running fast past me and ‘mole holes’. I was confused, not understanding what it meant nor what it had to do with my situation. I woke up right around midnight and started to pray and ask God for revelation. I remember God directing me to look it up and what I found was a picture of an actual ‘mole hill’.
It all became so plain and actually made perfect sense. God was showing me that I was making mountains out of mole hills! He revealed to me that those things seemed so gigantic because I was laying in a pit of despair allowing fear to distort my vision and perception. I had allowed that situation to drag me down and I was thinking small and from the dirt like the pesky little moles in my dream.
However, that day God reminded me that He is the Great I Am and that nothing is impossible for Him. I began to look at the ‘molehill’ with proper perspective. I thank God that even when I forget or when I let the issues of this world consume my thoughts, He is there to wake me up in the midnight hour and remind me who is really in control!
I share this because sometimes we allow life’s worries to take us back to the pit from where God dug us out of. I realize that sometimes it is easier said than done but God did not create us to be lying in the dirt, running from life, digging our own graves.
I want to make clear that the problems didn’t end that day. My reality was still the same but what did change was my perception. You see, up until that day I was trying to fix it in my own strength but I failed every time. I finally realized that I needed to give God control because although I couldn’t handle it, Jesus can handle it. Once I handed Him all of my worries and anxiety, I was able to breathe again.
I want to make clear that the problems didn’t end that day. My reality was still the same but what did change was my perception. You see, up until that day I was trying to fix it in my own strength but I failed every time. I finally realized that I needed to give God control because although I couldn’t handle it, Jesus can handle it. Once I handed Him all of my worries and anxiety, I was able to breathe again.
What does ‘handing it over to God’ look like? To me, it looks like making a conscious effort everyday that today I will not worry and I have to make a decision to change my mind from negative thoughts.
Now, God did not say that the weapons will not form, He said they will not prosper. So worry does come, but I don’t let it stick around. I literally speak up and say ‘no! I will not worry because God’s got this’! I believe when the bible tells us in James 4:7-8 to ‘resist the devil and he shall flee’, is a practical way of telling us, it takes effort.
Resisting is an act of counteracting or opposing. It requires us to oppose those lies and command them to leave. We counteract the devil’s lies by putting on the full Armor of God. As a first element, the belt of truth. We need to speak out loud the truth of God’s power. By being obedient to God’s Word, the enemy has to leave because it cannot stand in the presence of our submission to the truth.
I want to encourage someone that the next time you feel as if you’re surrounded by gigantic mountains, shift your perspective, stand up, remember your father in heaven and assume your position as His child. Put God before that mountain and remind it of who your God is because the mountains melt like wax at the presence of The Lord! Psalm 97:5.
The bible also tells us to ‘submit to God, draw near to Him and He will draw near to you’. So I pray that when despair comes, we look up instead of being cast down! May we lift up our eyes to the hills – from where our help comes from! Psalm 121:1-2.
Be encouraged!
Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; For I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.Psalm 42:11
© 2021 ~ Carmen Adolphus